Monday, October 3 - Day of German Unity
Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Day of German Unity) is the German national holiday, commemorating the anniversary of German reunification in 1990. The Day of German Unity is celebrated each year with a Bürgerfest hosted by a major city—this year Dresden, the capital of Saxony, under the motto "Deutschland tanzt". The Bürgerfest also includes the Ländermeile, where each Bundesland can highlight their tourist attractions, cultural treasurers, and culinary specialties. Test your knowledge of this important day in German history with our Day of German Unity Quiz.
Tuesday, October 4 - Teach German Tuesday #Teach10to10
Calling all German speakers, we've got a challenge for you! Show off your skills and spread the love of the German language today by teaching 10 people you encounter how to count to 10 in German. You know that interesting person in the cafeteria you've been wanting to chat with? Or maybe you want to have some fun on your commute to work? Take on our #Teach10to10 challenge and post your results. We'll be sharing all of your successes throughout the day!
Wednesday, October 5 - Schwarz-Rot-Gold Day
Show your pride in Germany and the German language—wear Schwarz-Rot-Gold! Whether you're at school, at work, out in the community or anywhere else, everyone around will know you’re a fan of German. Hannah's already dressed for the occasion, so be sure to include her in your events and when you’re engaged on social media! Take time to celebrate teachers today, too—it’s World Teacher's Day.
Thursday, October 6 - German-American Day
German-American Day was first proclaimed a holiday in the US in 1983 to honor the 300th anniversary of German immigration to the US. It commemorates the date in 1683 when 13 German families from Krefeld, near the Rhine, landed in Philadelphia. These families subsequently established the first German settlement in the original thirteen American colonies. Celebrate German-American heritage today with us on Facebook and Twitter, and test how much you know with our funGerman-American Connections Quiz.
Friday, October 7 - Famous German-Americans Day
Hats off to German immigrants to the US and German-Americans! The cultures of the German-speaking world have had an enormous influence on American culture. You’ll find the contributions of German-Americans in every walk of life—actors, athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, fashion designers, musicians, politicians, scientists, teachers, filmmakers, and writers. From Christmas trees to Kindergarten and hot dogs to recreation—German-Americans have contributed significantly to American life and culture. See if you can identify people with German-American connections in our Famous German-Americans Quiz.
Saturday, October 8 - German-American Food Day
Join us on Facebook and Twitter in a culinary tour of the influence of German culture on American mealtime staples. Some of the earliest contributions to American cuisine come from the German kitchen. Some foods are so common in the US, you'd never know they came from Germany. Stay tuned to learn all about the German origins of some of your favorite foods. Spoiler: It's #morethanhotdogs!
Sunday, October 9 - Business Connections Day
German and American business ties are important in today’s global economy. Germany is America’s largest European trading partner and its fifth largest global partner. There are more than 3,700 German companies in the US—and German companies are directly responsible for over 600,000 jobs in the US. Many of the products you use every day were created by corporations with German roots. Test your familiarity with German companies in the US with our Business Logo Quiz.