Here's your chance to enjoy a Weißwürste, Bretzeln and Bier while listening to DJ Arndt Peltner's rocking German tunes. It's Oktoberfest – “Party on the Roof” with DJ Arndt Peltner from Radio Goethe.
When: Friday, October 1, 2010, from 6pm
Where: Goethe-Institut
530 Bush Street
Roof terrace, 6th floor
San Francisco
Suggested donation: $10 (incl. snacks & beverage)
Here's what the Goethe Institute has to say about this event: On October 1st, 2010, our motto is: “O´zapft is”. Come and celebrate the traditional Bavarian festival in a non-traditional way on the roof terrace of the Goethe-Institut San Francisco. You may want to try some special German delicacies such as Weißwürste, Bretzeln and Bier. But don’t think it is all about tradition: DJ Arndt Peltner from Radio Goethe will play the latest German party hits. Moreover, you will have the chance to try a German Lesson for Beginners. Guests who have never taken a class at the Goethe-Institut are invited to experience a German trial lesson.